About The Anglers Net

Scott Douglass

Just a quick note on what this is all about.

My first thought – and still really my main aim is to have somewhere that I can keep track of everything. That could be trips, so I have a record and photos etc all in one place. Otherwise what tended to happen is some scribbled notes along with squinting at pics on my phone thinking…hmm where is that?

I also do a lot of reading and research on different topics. Some of that I honestly just forget over time so it is nice to have something a bit more permanent. Some things are also complicated so it is useful to me to just have it all together.

Lastly some of this might be useful to others.

Spot something wrong, dumb or dodgy – let me know!

A little about me…

My background is Mathematics/Computing and that stuff. The more interesting part is that I grew up with a crazy fishing family split between the UK and Australia. So I have never really known much different, everyone I knew fished. I can’t remember things like a “first fishing rod”. They were just always there.

So my childhood was stories of Salmon and Trout, while sitting by the river bank with my father in Australia while fishing for “Perch” – Australian Bass now, but back then I just knew them as perch around the Hawkesbury. That was also mixed in with fishing on the Central Coast “Spinning” for Taylor etc.

I was also lucky enough as a boy to spend time in the UK mostly Scotland, my first fish on Fly was a Sea Trout on the River Annan with my Grandfather and Uncle. But happy to admit that was on a Bubble Float. The old soft clear plastic ones which you could squeeze to fill. Anyone still making them?

So I was exposed to everything from seeing and watching my Uncle Haaf Netting on the Solway to my cousin bringing my brother and I along for trips to the Snowy Mountains. As a boy nothing beats a Scottish Cousin telling you lake Eucembene isn’t that cold … for a quick morning bath/swim while camping.

Later I was in Far North Queensland – I finished my schooling in Cairns, back when it was still a sleepy town. So I did all the Tropical fishing. Oddly the Annan outside of Cooktown is where I also got one of my great catches. A Golden Trevally in about 2 feet of water.

After that I have fished here and there on travels from Thailand to the Helmsdale. And now being older without having to do school runs and “Brunches” I am doing a lot more fishing. With plans for the USA, Argentina etc.

….So that is why there is such a mix here.